New Monday #38

A Toast: Quincy Jones
November 4, 2024
Psc In Heaven

New Monday #38

Happy Monday, all. And I am sorry this is getting to you a little late. It’s been a busy morning!

So much going on.

Quincy Jones

Quincy Jones died yesterday.

To call this guy a genius is an understatement. He’s been a major force in music since the early 1950s. He composed everything from jazz standards to pop tunes to film scores. He produced. He arranged. He schmoozed. He put together an empire.

Please read his NY Times obituary. I knew a bit about the guy, but jeezl peezl, this man knew how to live!

Some things to hear:

King Fish

Rack ‘em Up

Walking in Space

Michael Jackson’s 'Billie Jean' was, I think, MJ’s biggest hit. It’s an astoundingly good recording. The snare sound alone gives me tickles.

Billie Jean

God, the production is amazing. The bass comes in and there’s a little growl thing on the first note. Little finger snaps. Vocals panned all over - left, right, front and back. And used as percussion (listen to 'Rack ‘em Up' to see where some of these ideas came from).

Found this video - Chris Liepe goes through the multitracks as well as Michael Jackson’s original demos.

Pumpkin Spice Latte

We have a new plug-in out. Find out more here.

We’re doing a whole series of plug-ins based on Beverages. This is the first. It’s... well, basically it’s a lo-fi channel strip with vintage pretensions.

For a simple plug-in, it has a ton of power, and a wide palette of sounds. I compiled a bunch of things that both inspired the PSL and that you can use as references in terms of the sounds it can get you. Click to listen!

The Strokes - these kinds of guitar sounds

Tame Impala - these kinds of drum sounds

St Vincent - these sorts of keyboards and horns

Led Zeppelin - that lead guitar sound! Also the drums (turn up Whipped Cream!)

Clarence Carter - love that tube mic vox distortion and the grainy drums

Joy Division - basically, Pumpkin Spice Latte can get every sound on this recording

Royal Blood - the vocals, and maybe something across the entire mix

A short one this week. Dan and I were up all night for the past few days getting Pumpkin Spice out and we’re basically sleep deprived, and I for one am existing only because of double courtados.

We appreciate you all.

Warm regards,
