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Pumpkin Spice Latte

Pumpkin Spice Latte brings warm saturation, funky ambiance and vintage flavor to your recordings.


psl chalkboard web

Pumpkin Spice Latte is an intuitive, versatile plug-in that oozes vintage and lo-fi vibes. Its tasty blend of saturation, ambiance, warmth and echo makes it fast to dial in sounds from retro R&B to indie rock. But don’t let its gentle autumnal appearance fool you: click on Espresso Shot and the PSL goes from pumpkin to punk, full of distortion grit and psychedelia.

  • Great on vocals - all the stuff you need for warm, defined tracks
  • Perfect for guitars - dial in distortion, add some slapback, you’re good to go
  • Vintage Drums - add a little bit of room and some saturation for punchy, old school grooves
  • Distortion and Fuzz - put it on synths, brass and bass
  • Gluey and Chewy on stems or the mix bus
Spice adds saturation — analog tube-style, with delicious harmonic distortion for a truly vintage flavor. Add just a touch to get some upper-midrange presence. Crank it to emulate an overdriven tube channel on a console.
whipped cream
Whipped Cream is instant ambient sweetness. A little squirt puts your track in a room. A big glob turns things into a swirling psychedelic mess!
Espresso Shot switches in a 32:1 limiter, with fast attack and release and a TON of gain. Like a jolt of caffeine, the PSL’s Espresso Shot is a boost of energy and attitude, turning a gentle vintage vibe into a punk’d out mess.
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barista org

Like all of our plug-ins, Pumpkin Spice Latte rewards your experimentation and creativity.

Flip around to the back of the bar and get even more control of your beverage. Adjust delay times, move elements in the signal flow, play around with the Espresso Shot, and find the sound in your head faster than ever.

  • dan fade 2
    This plugin gets right to the point. It’s got the right amount of tools to get the job done. When you need a fast, fun channel strip, this is it."
  • tchad fade 2
    I’ve just started using it and what a powerhouse!
  • chaz fade 2
    Mercy, it's good! Great tool for quickly adding flavor when used as a snare and BGV return for unique slap, ambiance, and gritty warmth.

Video: Walkthrough and Review

psl walkthrough poster

Video: A Short Commercial

psl commerical 1 poster








Korneff Plugin Licensing

no dongle

Software Based

Korneff Audio uses a software-based licensing system. No USB or hardware dongles, no special drivers are needed.

Four Activations

Our plugins can be activated on up to four (4) machines at the same time. 


An internet connection is required to activate our software. Internet connection required for all demos.


Current Version: 
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Minimum System Requirements

  • Intel, AMD or Apple Silicon i5 quad core processor
  • 4GB of RAM
  • Mac OSX 10.14 or higher
  • Windows 7 & Above
  • Screen res: 1024 x 768 or higher

Supported Plugin Formats

  • Mac 64bit: VST3, AU, AAX
  • Windows 64bit: VST3, AAX
cockroach in coffee machine

Pumpkin Spice Latte Bug Reporting

Use this secure form to report bugs or any comments you might have. We appreciate your help immensely.